Chosen Rehab Center (CRC) is an NGO that provides free boarding facilities to rehabilitate drug addicts, alcoholics, street kids and the homeless. The rehabilitation occurs over a year in which they are not allowed to leave the premises and all their needs are taken care of by the organization. After completion of the program we reunite them with their families and integrate them back into society by securing jobs and accommodation for them. We also offer free transportation to the public during rush hours; hold strong and compassionate outreach programs in the slums; and organize End-of-year parties for the under privileged in our society.
On The 3rd of August, 2013 PerVita Foundation collaborated with Karisha Foundation to have a medical visit to the rehabilitation Centre.
The visit was in two sessions. We had the medical team who did an eye screening for the inmates. Most of them did not really have a lot of medical issues but some others due to old age and the high level of influence due to smoking and drinking, they were put on medical attention. The medical team however noticed that some issue needed much attention and we are planning on going back there to help them get lasting helath solutions to their problems.
There was the counseling session which really was inspiring because some stories were to good to be true. The counseling sessions were done to motivate the inmates, it was also to get them to come out clean and repent from some of the wrong doings. There is no better way to start a good life by confess and pronouncing what past life one has gone through.
The centre also has the female rehabilitation home at Darkuman. They comprise of abused women and children. The female centre was result developed and the PerVita team is yet to go there and make some impact.
Over all, we made some donation of food items and clothes but there are still more that they would need. Amongst these are
1. Clothes, shoes and slippers
2. Medication for housemates & Support for Medical Bills
3. Educational sponsorship & workshops for vocational skills and computer classes
4. Bedding – mattresses, pillows, bunk-beds, sheets, medicated mosquito nets
5. Vehicles – Bus for Outreach programmes, car for errands
6. Appliances – Gas cookers, deep freezers, fridge, polytank for water storage, 10 ceiling fans
7. Office Equipment -2 desktop computers, 2 laptops, 2 printers, cabinets, Internet Service
8. Foodstuffs & Toiletries
9. Building Materials to help develop the girl’s site