February 5th 2014 marked exactly one year for Pervita Foundation to operate as a non-governmental organisation. Over the year, the foundation has achieved a lot through giving back to society.
It has been a fulfilling one year and we would like to thank all who have made it possible for us to implement our numerous projects.
We would like to give thanks to the Most High God first and foremost for guiding and directing the vision of the foundation to our target group. A special thank you goes to the wonderful team we work with who take time off their busy schedule to make these less privileged ones happy and feel belonged to. We would also like to thank our fanpage on all our social platforms who have been donating in cash and kind to make every project a success.
As part of our anniversary celebration, we are embarking on a charitable trip to CITY OF REFUGE to celebrate with them. These are children who have been rescued from Child Trafficking and other forms of child labour. We will be donating food items, clothing and educative materials to support their day to day activities in the home.
You can volunteer with us byt filling out the volunteer application form ( http://pervita.org/volunteer-information/) or visit our facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/pervitagh?ref=ts&fref=ts) and be a part of the Pervita Family. for general updates on activities and projects available, log on to www.pervita.org
Pervita Foundation, Passion Driven